Our Profile

The Hospital

  • Seventeen years old Speciality Hospital
  • 10 beds over an area of 1200 sqft.
  • Centrally located, easy approach
  • 24 x 7 emergency care
  • Exclusive floor for Special Rooms
  • Specialists on Call Basis
  • Ambulance pick-up
  • Research and Drug Trials 
  • State-of-the-art Lab and Radiology Franchisee with
    1. SRL Ranbaxy Lab, Mumbai  -  www.srlranbaxy.com
    2. EQAS (External Quality Assessment Scheme) with Christian Medical College, Vellore.  - www.cmcvellore.ac.in/clinqc
    • Fully Computerized
      • Hospital Software
      • Pharmacy Software
      • LAN Networking
      • Billing, Reporting
      • and other Records Maintaining

    Hospital having tie-ups with, Tertiary Care, Referal facilities to,
    Basaveshwar Hospital attached to M. R. Medical College, Gulbarga.

  • AIG Hospitals, Hyderabad.
  • Asian Institute of Gastroenterelogy, Hyderabad.  
  • Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore.  - http://www.fortishealthcare.com
  • and other tertiary hospitals.
  • Preventive Health Checks

  • Master health check-up
  • Diabetic check-up
  • Obesity evaluation
  • Cardiac check-up
  • Diabetic Screening
  • Periodic diabetic review
  • HIV Clinic and Counselling

  • Well-equipped, round-the-clock, 2 bed ICU.
  • Cardiac Monitoring
  • Echo, TMT
  • CCTV attached to ICU
  • Yoga and Meditation

  • Yoga Therapy Franchise with
        www.yssofindia.org local branch.
  • Yoga & Meditation, Shastri Nagar,
        Gulbarga (Karnataka)
  • Dr. Rairam

    Diabetic Centre

  • Blood Glucose Monitoring 
  • Glucometer/Laboratory 
  • Diabetic Cardiac Care
  • Diabetic Eye Care
  • Diabetic Kidney Care
  • Diabetic Foot Care with Diabetic Footwear Franchise
  • with MV Diabetis Centre, Chennai

  • Physiotherapy

  • SWD (Short Wave Diathermy)
  • Ultrasonic Therapy
  • Interferential Therapy
  • TENS
  • Cervical and Lumbar Traction Unit
    Diabetic Foot and Leg Assessment

  • Five types of Sensory Monofiloment test 
  • Muscle Assessment
  • Vibration Sensation
        Tuning Fork or (VPT)
  • Neuropathy 
  • Temperature gradient
  • Pulse
  • Skin Colour
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